The Declaration Of Faith (Shahadah)

There are five obligatory acts of worship that every Muslim must dutifully carry out. Failure to do so is a grave sin. The edifice of Islam rests upon these five pillars. One cannot be considered a Muslim if he or she denies that any one of these acts is obligatory.

The five obligations of Muslims are as follows:

The declaration of faith, to “Testify that there is no deity except God, and that Muhammad is His Messenger” (Shahadah)
To pray five times a day (Salah)
To pay the yearly alms (Zakah)
To fast during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)
To make the pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj)

The Declaration Of Faith (Shahadah)
Praying Five Times A Day (Salah)
Paying The Yearly Alms (Zakah)
Fasting During Ramadan (Sawm)
Making The Pilgrimage To Makkah (Hajj)

The Declaration Of Faith (Shahadah)