The Imam

Muhammad S. Adly comes from the tribe of Juhayynah.

* Born in Egypt 1949.
* Holds two Ijazah Degrees from Egypt & Saudi Arabia.
* Taught in the Holy Mosque in Macca, SA
* Migrated to the United States in 1975.
* Held the position of Imam at the following Places:
* Islamic Mission Of America , Brooklyn , NY. 1975
* Masjid Al-Muslimiin , Brooklyn, NY. 1976 - 1977
* Principal for Madrastul Ikhuah , Brooklyn, NY. 1978
* Dar Al-Arqum , Brooklyn , NY. 1979
* Representative of Muslim World League NY. 1977 - 1980
* Chaplain & Consultant at SCDC Columbia, SC 1982
* Director of the Islamic Center Of Columbia. (1981 - Present)
* Guide For Hajj group 1995 - Present
* Author of over Twenty (27) Books On Islaam
* Member of AMJA (American Muslim Jurists Association)
* Secretary General of NAIF (North American Imam's Federation)
* Director and owner of Adly Publications

The Imam